We're moving!

All of these smiling faces are packing up and moving to Annapolis, MD in August. (Yes, August! Less than 10 weeks from now.) Jeff has been recalled to active duty to serve as an instructor at the Naval Academy for three years. He'll be teaching Economic and also working in the Leadership and Ethics Department. I am so very proud of him. He is going to be an excellent teacher and he continues to have a passion for military service. It's a wonderful opportunity.
Of course, it will be very hard to leave all the things and people and organizations and events that we love about Dallas.
I'm eager to hear your recommendations for arty shopping, museums, events and people in the DC/Annapolis/Baltimore area!
In the meantime, I'm back to packing and surfing the web for info about houses and schools.
We'll all be sorry to see you leave the Dallas area. Your life is going to be on fast forward moving so quickly! On the other hand, long goodbyes can be harder. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for your husband and your family. I will look forward to reading your blog from MD!
Best of luck to you, Deborah! Hope your packing and moving go smoothly and you get settled in and back to your art quickly. We will all miss you here, so keep us posted!
O Wow! What amazing news. And what about leaving your beautiful house? Arrgghh. We just have to take the good with the not so hot. I am so happy for you and impressed like mad at your hubby.
Lots of arty folk in the new place, I know!
Hey Deborah, I live in MD and would love to get together once you move here. There are several art quilt groups I know of that might interest you.
Aw, so sad for us (in the DFW area) so happy for you! You know you can use fabric for packing material!
I'll be praying for you as the Lord brings you to mind as you seek your new adventure!
Will you be leaving your brand-new house just like that? Of course, you'll probably sell but still....
Deborah, Texas's loss is Maryland's gain. I live in MD (DC area) so I'm excited that I might finally get to take a class from you! Best to you and your family as you transition.
We lived in DC/Northern VA for three years and loved it. I'd move back in a heartbeat. Dupont Circle is my fave DC place to wander and to eat! Of course, there's wonderful stuff everywhere and the Metro rocks! You can park and ride on teh MD side and Metro the rest of the way in for a weekend day of DC fun. There's probably a train too. from Annapolis to DC. In Baltimore I loved the aquarium. It rivals the Monterey Bay aquarium -- both being pretty much the end all and be all of aquariums!! Perhaps an annual pass will be in order?! I wish you guys a smooth transition. :-)
some of us are very happy you'll be back on the east coast..we've gone too long without you close by.
Sorry for Dallas but YEA ME!!!!! The Hornbuckles are psyched for your return to the east coast. Get ready for sitting on the hill this fall!
I had recently thought how well you all had settled into your Dallas area home, but wondered how your husband liked his new life. I'm sure you will enjoy all there is to see and do in Maryland. I'll be watching for your blog posts to keep up. Good Luck.
You and your family will just love Annapolis! It truly is a great place as is the Naval Academy. We had a family wedding there in the Chapel a few years ago. My nephew married the Athletic Directors daughter.
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