Thursday, January 07, 2010


I don't really make New Year's Resolutions, at least not at New Year's. With holiday guests and school vacation, January 1 is wrapped up with other stuff and doesn't really feel like a kick off moment. My birthday is coming up, so that's a more logical "new start." I have been thinking about where to put my energy and focus. It could be an interesting year. Lots of potential for "blooming."


Lucy said...

Deborah, that's very inspiring. I'm proud to be your friend!

Anonymous said...

Bloom where you are planted! I think you have always bloomed as you have called so many places home.

Kristin L said...

I can see Blooming being a very powerful word for you this year. :-)

Amy said...

I'm not one for resolutions either. But I like a good list or plan of action. I love the idea of "blooming." As always, I stop by to see what you're up to and go away with a little inspiration and a breath of fresh air :).

Also, I have your ornaments - I shipped everyone's off last week and completely blanked on putting yours in a box. A very DUH moment for me. Do you have time to get together this Tuesday or Thursday? Or shall I drop them in the mail for you today?

Melly Testa said...

Wow! I have never seen a bromeliad (?) that is that big! That is as impressive as your resolution.