I'm working on the projects for publication in the upcoming "Quilting with Beads" book from Lark. One of my projects is a triptych landscape. I really enjoyed the series I did last spring based on the titles "winds of change, tree of life and fields of gold." So, I thought it would be an interesting project to repeat -- in a new way.

Look familiar?

Here is where I am at the moment. I'm struggling with how to do the tree trunks.

Here I've pinned some small rolls of fabric in the trunk space on three of the trees. Hmmmm. Not so sure. Want to see a close up?

How did I do trunks in the past? Embroidery.
Small sticks sewn on the surface.

I am unsure about how the natural stick elements will contrast with the glitzy sequins and beads. Anyway... it's just simmering on the design wall for now.
I think the best ideas come when something is sitting on the design wall for a few days. It's looking very good so far.
I really like the stick idea - how about painting sticks with metallic paint?
Lovely. I'm intrigued by the sticks and rolls, but think they detract too much on the smaller trees. How about if the background trees in the center panel get embroidered trunks, but teh foreground tree in the left panel gets something special -- a roll (maybe even wrapped or tied) or a painted stick?
The book's called Quilting with Beads, right? So... maybe the trunks can be, or at least incorporate, some of those beads? I do like the little fabric rolls, too. Can't wait to see what you decide!
I have no words of wisdom, just want to say I enjoy watching your work through these design problems.
I really like these pieces.
I agree with Kristen, the fabric rolls on the back trees are too distracting. I do like the fabric roll on the forground tree. Maybe you could use some other type of fiber or yarn to couch down on the background trees.
I don't think the fabric rolls are bad, they are just out of perspective in the background-- more narrow and shorter would work better Maybe? Sally
The rolls could be made with a longish triangle that would look skinnier and taper, add some "weight" a the bottom of the trunk with embrodery or wrap it with yarn for detail on the larger trees. Love watching your process, thanks for sharing.
Uummmm, I am just loving the process and enjoy seeing new works. I especially like how you divided this piece, I love this type of art work.
I love these pieces. And the fabrics with your handwriting on it is great.
I like all the found elements you are incorporating in your art.
Great work!
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