The third in Anne Lamott's series of spiritual autobiographies. The first, Traveling Mercies, is one of my all-time-favorite books. All of her non-fiction is really wonderful. (And if you think I'm implying that her fiction is not-so-great, you would be correct.)
Are you wondering what Claire picked out?
We got the first two books in this series for the birthday girl. Claire and I read them together and really enjoyed them. We bought the third in the series for us. Maybe we can loan it to the birthday girl when we've finished and she has read the first two. Never too early to get in the habit of book swapping!
We also watched this movie this week. So good!
Totally quirky and unexpected.
And I must say, I have a new favorite show on Food Network. I love love loved Ham on the Street last year, but it doesn't seem to be returning with any new episodes. No matter, Duff is my new love.
Ace of Cakes is about all the arty, young, hipsters who work at Charm City Cakes in Baltimore. They make some wicked amazing cakes and have a great time doing it. (Or at least they make it look that way for the cameras.)
I won't bore you with my other guilty obsessions: Survivor, America's Next Top Model and Amazing Race.
You'll *love* "Eat, Pray, Love". It's like a wonderful meal with good conversation. It's a book that changed the way I viewed life. Good choice!
thanks for the book tips and I must agree-the cake man rules! Meant to tell you how much I am enjoying the progress of the big piece.
What a wonderful book day! We're in Nashville, and considering all the universities in this town, they have VERY FEW book stores. We found one and got what we wanted, but UGH...give me a Barnes and Noble any day!!
I must get East, Pray, Love. I am hearing great things about it.
As a children's librarian & author I'm always interested in what kids actually read. I'll be looking for "The Tail of Emily Windsnap" et.al. Thanks to Claire.
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