I still have not received the new issue of Quilting Arts magazine. Grumble.
I recently finished reading Water for Elephants. Deb recommended it and I loved it! It was unlike what a usually read (not that I stick to just one genre or read that much). It's set on a traveling circus in the 1930's. That alone makes it very interesting, and a bit edgy and raw. I won't say anything about the ending, but if you've read it and want to discuss it, you must email me straight away! I actually bought this book when one of our local bookstores was closing and everything was 25% off. I normally use the library, but this book has 23 holds on it at our local branch. That seemed like a good sign that it would be worth buying. It was.

What was I thinking when I signed up for another ATC swap with Amy? They are due on Friday and I haven't even started. Why I am here blogging?
I loved Water for Elephants. One of my best reads of last year. Last summer I was on jury duty and there was a little old man sitting next to me reading it. He told me it was soooooo good that he only allowed himself to read no more than 10 pages a day so it would last longer! Seemed like a good recommendation.
I am always looking for a good book to read. I'll definitely be looking up Water for Elephants! I'm so hooked on Joshilyn Jackson since you recommened Between, Georgia. Did you read gods in Alabama by her? I loved it just as much as Between.
I really like Shepherd's pie. I've gotten many book recommendations from blogs, and so far they all have been good ones. So good that you could catch a sale to get your own copy.
Since I moved to Portland, I get my QA earlier. Mine came a couple of weeks ago. In Sonoma County, I was one of the last to receive it.
I'm so glad you liked the book!! I found it the same way - so strongly recommended by someone else that I tried it even though it isn't my usual type of book either and it turned out to be my favorite book I read in 2006.
Ok...a book to add to my list. I am going to town Saturday to pick out plumbing fixtures for the basement so I will swing by B & N and get it. I don't usually buy hardcover but I always donate read books to the library so it's worth it when I do break down and buy one. However, I think I will wait for Mistral's Kiss and Iris Johanssen's latest to come out in paperback....
teri (who got her QA over two weeks ago- that's the earliest ever!!)
Deborah...you should have it by now? Why not call and say your issue went missing.... they're good about replacing (or ask if anyone else in the Dallas area has received theirs yet...if they have, then call, if they haven't, wait a bit...) Hugs, Sarah
One of my favorite books to date...I listened to it while I walked and quilted. I wanted to keep doing both because it meant I could listen to MORE!
I will look for that book! I read your post and imediately got up and made shepherd's pie! Half way through the many step process I wondered where I had gotten the idea. Then came back to the computor and there was your site! I love your quilts and paintings. As soon as it warms up I plan to do a day of dyeing. If I cann't wait I just do it on a small scale on a hard floor in the house.
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