Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More Than A Week...

since my last post?! How did that happen? There was that flurry of pictures and excitment following my trip to Houston and then I just fell back into all the every day stuff that must be done -- and does not make for interesting blog posts.

I did take this picture of Lincoln on our leaf-covered deck. So handsome!

I've also been working on my STITCHED workshop. I've been learning so much about iMovie. There is tons of potential for online learning with videos, photo sharing and virtual classrooms. I am very excited to be exploring all the possibilities!


Vivien Zepf said...

What a handsome pup! Glad to hear your video is going well. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

Amalia Teresa Parra Morusiewicz said...

Looks like Lincoln is posing for a future quilt featuring an elegant dog...