Several months ago I pieced this quilt for my new baby nephew. Then a few months later I finally quilted it. Then I eventually gave it to Kristofer (and his mom and dad) when we visited them at Easter. They requested blue and brown -- and it was a palette I really enjoyed.

In the bottom right panel I stitched his name. Can you see it in the picture above?
I haven't done any machine piecing in a long time. I improvised this "pattern," and it didn't come together as easily as I would have expected.

We all think Kristofer is just the cutest thing ever. He's not a chubby faced Gerber baby, he has his own super cute baby look.

I really enjoyed picking out the fabrics. I think it's a fun mix of patterns and tones.

I loved this scribbly fabric for the back and I tried to make it a bit more interesting with that pieced bar. Very modern, right?
Great quilt! I really like the improvised piecing. And the middle pic of Kristofer is just too dang cute!!
You can't go wrong with brown and blue. I love the way the indigo-like scribbly dot fabric takes this out of just "Baby" and allows it to look great if mommy or daddy use it themselves too. ;-) And I WANT that scribbly backing fabric!!
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