We had a super fun time at our
taekwondo "break-a-
thon" this weekend. Our
tkd school is part of a district of six schools. All the students from all the schools raised money for the local humane society and for "Be The Match" bone marrow registry. The more money you raised, the more boards you got to break. Benjamin got to break 20 boards!
Here is Benjamin doing a flying side kick.

And Claire doing a flying side kick.

They are both senior brown belts and having been doing
tkd for nearly two years. It's a great activity. (I didn't realize they were supposed to be wearing their uniforms for this event.
Arg! Mom!) Claire's elbow strike is powerful!

Another flying side kick from Benjamin with our teacher Mr. Anderson holding the board.

As is the tradition, you get to break a board on your birthday. Well, Grandma was visiting and it happened to be her birthday, so she rocked an awesome palm heel strike.

Benjamin really has a knack for board breaking. It's so fun to see him focused and successful at it! Here he is with Mr. Lacy discussing the details of various kicks.

I'm really proud of our school and my kids!
Your mom rocks! Give her a big hug for me.
I can't believe how much your kids have grown. O dear. Time flies!
Still in love with those ears.
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