Friday, November 20, 2009

Big News!

The Twelve by Twelve artists are excited twelve times over to announce that:

(drum roll, please.... )

Sterling Publications/Lark Books will soon be publishing a book on our Twelve by Twelve Collaborative Art Quilt project!

We are thrilled beyond words to have this wonderful opportunity, and so happy that our art endeavors and friendships are turning us into authors, too. We know that Lark was impressed by the loyal folks who follow our blogs and website, so thanks to all of you friends-of-Twelves for your encouraging words through our explorations!

We'll keep you posted as we know publication dates.

We are lifting a virtual glass of champagne to each other and to all of you for your support!


Pritch said...

Great news! Congratulations.

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...

totally awesome!!! congratulations!!!

Dale Anne said...

COMGRATULATIONS to all of you!
This book will go on my WANT list right now!!!

EmandaJ said...

Congratulations! How exciting.


Susie Monday said...

How cool is that. I think you all are a model of example to all quilt challenges that follow!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

wow, congrats, what big news!

Beate Knappe said...

Congratulations! How exciting.wonderful news - cheers!!!!

Jo said...

Congratulations! Well deserved - you are all truly inspiring!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for all of you! I have loved following the 12 x 12 series and know others who missed it the first time round will love the book. Can't wait for the color series.


Emily S. :) said...

Wow! That's awesome! I loved looking at all the quilts the 12x12 worked on. Cant wait to see the boo.

Dreamer said...

Deborah - this is fantastic! Congratulations - I am so happy for you and your fellow twelvers. Right now, I can hardly wait to see what you guys do for pink.

Unknown said...

Well deserved for all your hard work. Thanks for inspiring me.