Friday, February 27, 2009

Quilt Collection

What an amazing collection of quilts these fourth graders created. I was honored to work with them. Here is the entire 2009 series. I'm already looking forward to doing it again in 2010.

Good Morning, Neighborhood!

Surprising Super Sports

Radical Rainforest

Expedition Ocean

The Fantastic Adventures of the Sea-OstriHorse

I am also thrilled to tell you that when I was beginning to prepare for this project, I sent a quick email to Pellon asking if they would donate some Wonder Under. The replied immediately and said they would love to! Four bolts of Wonder Under arrived at our school just a few days later. Isn't it fantastic to know that Pellon supports arts in education?


Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

Just an amazing grouping. Great to hear that Wonder Under supports art in schools too. I will continue to buy their products that is for sure.

Thank you so much for sharing this project. Let us know how they do at auction.

Amy said...

Debra, these quilts are fantastic! You and Pellon, both, are wonderful for supporting arts in schools. I bet the kids are all over the moon about how cool these all turned out. Do let us know how these all do at auction!

kathy said...

The kids did an amazing job, but your dedication and skill has made this project a real winner for you, Claire and the school. Well done!!!

Kristin L said...

Awesome!! These turned out great. You, the school, the kids, and even Pellon should be proud. I love looking at all the amazing characters in each one, but the toothy sun takes the cake!

Anonymous said...

Deborah, You and the children achieved a fantastic result. The kids made such neat shapes and characters, etc., BUT I HAVE TO SAY it is your quilting that makes these quilts awesome! It reminds me of two instruments or voices coming amplified the kids' shapes, and at times went beyond--all with such beautiful results. You are really a genius, and I'm glad you're my friend!!--Lucy

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via the artful quilter's ring. Lovely work!

Would you be willing to post more details about how you did these projects with the kids? I'm coordinating all the auction projects at my older boy's grade school... I would have loved to do a fiber project this year (since that's my thing) but I didn't have enough experienced sewers. But maybe next year, so I'm wondering all sorts of things like:

Did you use stash fabrics, purchase fabric, or get a fabric shop to donate?
How much fabric did you need?
Did you pre-fuse everything? If yes, did you leave the paper backing on and have the kids draw shapes, or did you just have them go for it?
Did they use school scissors, or did you give them good fabric scissors (and did any blood get spilt?)
Do you think this could be done with a younger group of kids, or no?
How did you work with the class to do the composition?
Did you create the background yourself or did the kids help with that part too?
Did you work with the art teacher and use class time? How many weeks did it take?
How much time do you think you spent on the quilting and finishing?
Do you intend these to be wall hangings? Or are they meant to be washable, drag-around-the-house quilts?

Sorry, I know I dumped a lot of questions on you, but I love, love LOVE these quilts and would really like to try a project like this next year. Anything you can tell, I'd like to hear!


Sonji Hunt said...

These are great. I know the children are beaming with pride. And I'm happy that Pellon donated some Wonder Under. If they hadn't, what would I do?

Shelina said...

Wow - these are exquisitely beautiful. It is amazing that group projects can turn out so wonderfully.