I especially love his drawing for September. As soon as I saw those trees, I asked him if he had been thinking of my fractal tree when he drew all those tiny branches. He said he had! Benjamin doesn't always like what a fix for dinner, but I am thrilled that he likes my art.
Claire has been busy too. She just finished this diorama for a book report. She has read several Nancy Drew books and I'm not sure which book this is about... but check out the working dumb waiter!

It's on the right with the little guy in the green vest sitting in it. You pull a knot on the back of the box and the dumb waiter slides from the top floor down into the basement.
Claire was uninspired to draw any furnishing for the rooms in her diorama, so she cut pictures out of a Pottery Barn catalog. Genius.
There is not much going on down in the basement, but sometimes that's the way basements are.
Such clever kids! I really should be making some art of my own. I've got deadlines coming up.
Clever (and adorable) kids, indeed!
Love, mom
I confess to having never read Nancy Drew, but I loved Harriet the Spy and remember a dumb-waiter in one of those stories. Thought it was pretty cool because one of my school buddies had a dumb-waiter in her (very) large, (very) old home and we used to ride in it....
Very cool! I love kid creativity.
What wonderful creativity. My kids are in college now and I miss all of their little projects. I have saved many of them and have them in my studio and I love them. Enjoy. I love your blog and I loved your small art quilts!!!! I had to pause when I saw that you did your class in Denton, Texas. I raised a guide dog puppy and he is a working guide dog for a young man in Denton...
Thanks for sharing.
If Ionly could have done book reports like this when I was in school. Very sophisticated, but when kids are surrounded by art, it comes naturally! The calendar is something you'll keep forever!
i love these posts. they are so creative. so funny that the basement is empty. fabulous.
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