I made it as part of Regina's "birds of change" swap. She invited swappers to give a bird away today. I'll give you a link for a list of other bird give-aways soon. You can also see images of lots of fantastically creative birds on the flickr group.
After playing around with lots of options, I finally settled on this. I'm pleased. Text, surface design, the green and the purple, fusible... lots of my favorite elements. I had to hurry to get this one ready for the give-away and more are in the works for the swap.

Edited to Add:
Thank you so very much for your thoughtful comments and birthday wishes. I used a random number generator to choose a comment. This little bird will be winging its way to Trinity Lou!
Happy Birthday! Your little bird is a wonderful symbol of hope and renewal and everything today stands for.
How can I resist a comment on such a refreshing post. And it is your birthday. You are the same age as Steph, never realized that. Hope it was a fantastic day.
Happy Birthday, sweetheart! I love you!! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday!! You are certainly doing a good job of soaring. :-)
Happy Birthday to you! Love the bird... and word!
Happy Birthday!
Love this bird and what this symbolizes for our country today...
would love to hang this in our home
Oh happy birthday! You will certainly remember what was going on on your 39th!
A very Happy Birthday. Hope you get logs of hugs.
Excuse me, that should have been lots of hugs.
An innagural birthday to remember on all accounts!
Please place my name in the birthday hat.
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one!
Happy 39th Birthday! I turn 40 on ground hog's day and I'm excited about that! The little birdy is lovely! I love the mixed media aspect of it, very cool!
I was explaining your Small Quilt class to a friend Saturday evening and recalled a photo of a raven I took in New Mexico. I printed the photo with the intention of carving a stamp. Mmm... were you channeling birds while you were teaching on Saturday?
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a super creative day.
Ah, so cute. What a fabulous occasion to celebrate along with your Birthday. I can't even remember when I was 39! LOL...
Have a wonderful day, Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Deborah! I'm sure I may be the only one to leave a comment who was at your birth, January 20, 1970! I love you!
Love, Mom
Deb...do not include me in your drawing as I am a swapper too...just wanted to say how lovely your bird is and...we are neighbors in Texas!!
Happy Birthday Deborah! I too am soaring and hopeful today. Your bird piece is lovely.
I'm so excited today. Watching the motorcade is even bringing me to tears. It's a new day and I am proud to be an American.
I love your bird ornament and perhaps it will find it's place in my home!
Happy Birthday ! What a beautiful design, I wish I could win it!
Happy Birthday! What a great day to celebrate your birth! Wishing you much joy, happiness, and creativity this year. May you soar!(I think we should be sending you gifts!:)) Cheers.
Happy Bird-day...uh...birthday! You are, as ever, inspiring and your creativity does, indeed soar! Thanks for being so positive and so sharing. May you have many many many more days of creativity, art and love.
Happy Birthday Deb!
Grab those wings and fly! Happy birthday.
Oh how pretty!
Hi, I'm glad I discovered your blog a couple of days ago.
Lovely bird :-)
some of my fave colors too! d
Love the silhouette. -N
Happy Birthday! Your little bird is a perfect symbol for this day of hope!
This is a fantastic bird ornament to give away. I hope to win!
Happy 39th! You have so much to look forward to. Just a baby yet.
Love the bird and that women are celebrating this historic day in all aspects of their creativity and life.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for a chance at this lovely bird.
Your bird ornament is beautiful and happy birthday to you
What a pretty ornament and an inspiring message. The collage is very striking.
Anna S.
Very nice; I'd be pleased to add that to my studio! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I love your bird, and would love to win it!
Your little birds are so inspirational!
Elaine R
Deborah, thanks so much for playing today :) Your birds are delightful!
Happy birthday! I hope you've had a wonderful day! I love your birds! I was too late for the exchange, but it's fun seeing all the birds that people have created. Yours are wonderful.
What a lovely ornament from your soaring creative spirit. Happy Belated Birthday!
It was a day for ALL spirits to soar!!!
Happy, happy Birthday to you!! This is so inspiring...I would love to win!
I love your birds.
Please put my name in the hat.
I am amazed at the creativity of everyone involved in the Birds of Change.
Happy birthday!! I love your bird too!
Happy Birthday. And your bird is great. May we all soar.
Thank you for the chance to win. I like to win, please put me in.
Greeting Guilitta
I love your bird. Very unique!
happy birthday sweet De....borah, happy birthday to you.
wish we could have a coffee!
hope all your wishes for your next year come true.
Hope you had a happy birthday! I love your bird! I'm still finishing my birds for the swap.
Happy Birthday!! Your bird is lovely and he needs to be at my house. He told me so... isn't that what little birdies are supposed to do?
Happy birthday, and what a beautiful bird! Thanks for giving on the day you should be receiving! :)
I hope your birthday was so happy!
I LOVE your bird! Totally different from the other birds that I have seen. Just sweet!
HOPE it's not too late to get in on this, because I LOVE this bird. Happy Birthday and Happy Obama Day +2!!!
Happy Birthday! I love your little birdie.
WOW!!! So nice. I would like it:) Anna from Hungary
Yes first Happy birthday!!!!
And I watch TV too and I love E. Franklin a lot.I which you and your Country a wonderful year of happiness
Emily S says happy birthday--i'd like to be chosen to have one of your birds!!!!! Emily
Happy Birthday! I don't know if I'm posting in time but the the bird soaring on inauguration day is perfect. I actually went to the Inauguration and could see the Capital tiny in the distance and watched everything on jumbo-trons. The crowd was fabulous!
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