You can see we now have green shutters and door, landscaping and very thirsty grass.
Can I tell you how much I love this picture?

The colors, the lines, the contrasts, the handwriting... It's certainly not your typical house portrait, but it says a lot for me.
This is a bit of our foyer.

I hope the 300 year old grandfather clock that has been passed down for many generations in my family will go here.
In a few days, I'll post pictures of the mountains of boxes and the big truck!
Yay!!!! Congrats Deborah!
The house looks lovely. I really like the stone you used in the entrance area and I love the contrast between the very angular lines of the roof and the rounded arches of the doorway and window above. I like the color contrast of the green shutters too.
It is lovely! The nice curve of the roofline is a beautiful touch. I hope you and your family make many happy memories in your new home.
Wow! Congratulations! This is so exciting. And that has got to be the tallest entry ever! Certainly all that green will look great with purple flowers next summer, yes?!
I never thought of you as a mean person, but to post only TWO pictures of your beautiful home? And the little snippet of your foyer? On a more serious note, the pictures you took of the outside ongoing work did not lead me to this finished product...Maybe it's the shutters, maybe it's the landscaping...the softness added to all that stone? It's beautiful and benjamin looks like a midget! I look forward to more pics, in and out....after you're done unpacking.
Becky, Katie, and I love the picture of the house! Becky said, "Whoa, that's Claire's house!?" It's very beautiful. I can't wait to see more pictures...
Which room is mine?
ENVY LOL! Wish Dallas weren't a world away or I'd be there in a flash! And I can't wait to see you "make it yours" with your things.....
Congrats, and may moving day be dry!
Cheers, Sarah, the veteran mover
(remember ice cubes and lemonade for the movers! and carry out menus for you....)
Wowzer, Deborah, that is one absolutely beautiful home! And..it looks like an artist lives there! More photos, more, more, more---well, when you have time LOL.
Congrats! What a beautiful home! You must be so excited!
Wow! Wow! It's a real grown-up house! Like, actual grown-ups live there with stone and shutters and everything! It looks fabulous and I'm sure you'll all be very happy there!
I love those tall drink of water windows - they are Texas sized. Steve misses the high ceilings of our last, newer home. But I can actually wash the windows here without cimbing a ladder!!
I love the exterior of your house. Now comes the fun of putting stuff away!
Beautiful house, Deborah. I can't wait for the studio tour.
I can't wait to come visit!
The brick reminds me Church of the Covenant and Fr. Riley.
It's just beautiful. Congratulations!
Beautiful! I can't wait to see the house AND all of you next week!
Love, Mom
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