I've been reading Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim and came across a lovely little sentence that reminded me of Kathy's love for the sea. When the Frayed Edges did our round robin book, Kathy picked an ocean theme. So, I hope she'll tuck this little collage in with the book.
Usually David Sedaris is so satarical and funny that it's hard to see how this quote fits in with his other stuff, but I still loved it.

You can click on it to see it bigger. All those pictures came out of Sky magazine that I swiped from our flight to Dallas. Actually, I didn't swipe it, they want you to take them. As if it might encourage me to buy more plane tickets in the future. Not! I hate flying.
Here's the quote in case you can't read it.
What she thought about while looking at the waves was a complete mystery, yet you could tell that these thoughts pleased her and that she liked herself better while thinking them.
Where do you find yourself thinking thoughts that make you like yourself better? Not that you don't like yourself just fine all the time, but where or when do you find yourself thinking thoughts that are fully YOU.
Probably, since I like myself most of the time. :-) (But I couldn't tell you what they are.)
I love the collage!!
this is a great collage and I like the quote, too.
When I am with M & M or when I am in the studio cranking out a masterpiece!!
ooo, i know this one! when you're two! or those of us who never really left that stage (we all know at least one person like that, don't we?)
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