This is the present I gave my mom and dad for Christmas. We visited them at their wonderful home on Lake Ontario this past summer. I spent about 15 minutes zipping around taking pictures of stuff around their house. You may remember I posted them on my blog (and got lots of nice comments, thank you very much!) in September. That was when my parents were away on a trip and wouldn't likely be reading my blog. Since them I've re-dated that post to hide it back in the archives. Anyhoo...

I ordered some snaps from Shutterfly. Cropped them with my paper scissors and sewed them right onto my prefused foundations layered with batting. I sketched a little of a design and decided how many pages I would have. I did 6 pages -- that's 12 sides.

Each side has batting. So it's pretty study and stands by itself. I think it would look nice sitting on a mantle or coffee table, but begs to be handled!

Then the embellishing and stitching. Including rocks from just down the stairs in my parents' back yard.

It came together really well. It was a delight to make.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that you gave and received many wonderful gifts!
Wow, that turned out to be rather spectacular. You'll have to tutorial us on "how to". I'd love to make one.
That is a fabulous gift and it does beg to be held and savored! You are forever clever!
Great idea for a treasured gift! I like the idea of sewing the photos on. So many personal touches.
Wow!! That's amazing Deborah. I think that calls for a tutorial-with-pics.
You can come and visit me and take pics and make one for me!! What a lovely keepsake, especially made by a loving daughter.
OK, I am not really anonymous! Somehow the mouse slipped and posted me as anonymous!!
Another WOW for you, Deborah. The accordian book turned out superfantastic. Did your Mom cry?
I may be late to the "You're Fabulous Party" but I so agree. I want to make one and I want to own one. What a super gift for the folks who have everything.
Deb, BRAVO!!! what a wonderful gift, they msut be proud and you should be too!
Oh Deborah!
You'll have to post a tutorial on this.......GOSH, yet another project I want to try!!!
The new year hasn't even started and already I have about 20 million things I want to attempt!
GREAT JOB and I'm sure your parents LOVED it!!!
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