I need to add frozen peas to my shopping list. I think they would work better than crushed ice in a zip loc bag.
Maybe some day I'll post one of the pictures I took after he tumbled down the entire flight of stairs and knocked out two teeth.
Ah... the joys of parenthood.
Peas definately work better. I used to keep the *cold pack* peas in the garage freezer. Now I make cold packs with 1 part rubbing alcohol and 2 parts water. That way it never completely freezes.
Kids. Especially boys.
Yikes! Poor guy. At least he's smiling!
Now THAT's a noggin bump! Seems like he kept right on going though, huh? Little dudes have so much energy, lol. Glad he's OK.
ouch! i think every little boy has one or more of these. mine occured on a grade school play ground. two little boys running had a collision. each was awarded a goose egg. as i remember it the nun's put cold table knives on the bump. hey, it was a long, long time ago. now i'm not sure if i remember the incident or the story of the incident. hang in ben, it's what happens growing up. love to all.
Peas are the definate way to go (or corn... )
just looking at the knot on his head makes mine hurt...poor fella
Poor Ben!
It reminds me of my be goose egg. I was roller skating in front of the chuch and that Scott boy, what was his name? He pushed me down and my head smacked the sidewalk. Ouch. What was that boys name? Oh the good old Kansas days...
Wow! That goose egg looks like what Finnegan gets from a bug bite. He would never make your black fly season! The Boyd's
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