
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Broken Pottery, Spoons, Hands and Lilies

Just a few inspiring snapshots.

I think this may be my favorite photo from my visit to the Crow Collection of Asian Art. And it's not even really "art."

I'm intrigued by the symbols on the hands of the various buddha sculptures.

There was a special exhibit by Jean Shin titled "Inclusions."

She collected broken pieces of pottery for a few different pieces.

This "tree ring" is made from arranging bent pieces of silverware into a ring, then creating a rubbing.

Another creation with discarded pieces of silverware.

Isn't this a beautiful color?

More broken pottery in the sculpture garden. I'm not sure which I like more... the pottery stacked up in the case, or strewn around this installation.

Painted bronze figures.

I walked across the street to the Dallas Museum of Art where I found another beautifully positioned hand with an interesting symbol on the palm.

One of only four of Monet's water lilies painted in a circle.

Quite beautiful.

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