
Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Green Bowl

I am thrilled to share one of my newest art quilts! I'm also thrilled to say that it was juried into the upcoming exhibit "Affinity" with Dinner at Eight Artists. It will premier at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in November.

Green Bowl, 40x40

I've been working a bit with bowls as a personal symbol and thinking about what nourishes me.

Here's the statement I included with my entry.

"I am nourished by everything around me. My bowl is over flowing. The places I've lived, people I've known, and things I've experienced influence each day that passes. Some experiences are full of growth and energy. Some are messy and unexpected. Memories overlap and complement each other to create the stories that I tell about who I am."

You may be able to see the subtle free motion quilted botanical shapes... flowers, ferns, leaves.

The color palette is mostly inspired by that red stripe.

Lots of machine stitching and hand embroidery.

I've been reading bits of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself. I can only appreciate a little at a time. I was thinking of this line while making the quilt.

"Stuffed with the stuff that is course, and stuffed with the stuff that is fine." 

I almost titled the quilt Course and Fine. (Or maybe Coarse and Fine. I've seen it spelled both ways on different Whitman websites.) There are raggedy, coarse fabrics and smooth, fine fabrics included. And there are coarse and fine experiences in my green bowl. 


  1. Oh its so lovely and the color pallet is gorgeously yummy! Your hand work is so inspiring! Adds just the right touch.

  2. Oh its so lovely and the color pallet is gorgeously yummy! Your hand work is so inspiring! Adds just the right touch.

  3. Very nice! I like the story behind it, and all the elements that you used. Congratulations on getting in the exhibit. Houston!

    One quibble: they may have used it differently in Emerson's day, but wouldn't it be "Coarse" rather than Course?

    Looking at the quilt again, I see abundance. As I said: nice.

  4. Wonderful piece of art there Deborah, and a well written artist statement to go with it. Love the play on words too. Course versus coarse. Whitman was famous for his play on words.

  5. I love it! It feels very serene and, literally, very fulfilling, to me. Can't wait to see it in person!

  6. Just love your work - look forward to seeing so much more from you.


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